Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Make money by youtube-Creating SEO Content

                     Creating Content for your Channel In the last post i discussed about channel idea and channel and which popular topi... thumbnail 1 summary

                     Creating Content for your Channel

In the last post i discussed about channel idea and channel and which popular topics to choose from
Today i will be discussing how to make content for your channel and what type of content to post on your channel.

Lets consider our channel is named breakfast recepies. Let me tell you the first mistake i can make:
As my channel name is breakfast recepies you would think that i can upload any breakfast video and can get thousands of views but no thats not the case. You have to consider following questions:

1. Is this video related to my topic?

You only upload those videos related to your topic if you want to upload any video you like than don't choose a channel name that limits you from uploading other types of videos. In short Choose a topic and give it your all and just focus on making it popular.

2. How many people in this month have searched for this video?

Your channel can only become an authority channel if you have answer to this question. If you do research about the keywords or the video you are uploading you can get many views which would be enough for your channel at this stage after that you continue to upload similar content related to your channel which is highly searched.Following are some of the tools to know what is the popularity of the keyword about which you are going to upload the video:


Just visit the link below to get to the page:
This is the splendid service of google which gives you the information about the keywords i.e how many times this keyword is searched in the past month. It also give you information related to a specific region which will help you if you are targeting a specific audience.

2.Yoast suggest

This is another great site to give you analysis and suggestion about the keyword

These are the tools you can use to get the analysis about the keyword your video is about.